Call for Abstract

17th Annual Congress on Pharmaceutics & Drug Delivery Systems, will be organized around the theme “Transforming outcomes in Pharmaceutics and Drug Delivery Systems”

Euro Pharmaceutics 2018 is comprised of 23 tracks and 148 sessions designed to offer comprehensive sessions that address current issues in Euro Pharmaceutics 2018.

Submit your abstract to any of the mentioned tracks. All related abstracts are accepted.

Register now for the conference by choosing an appropriate package suitable to you.

Biopharmaceutics is defined as the study of factors influencing the rate and amount of drug that reaches the systemic circulation and the use of this information to optimize the therapeutic efficacy of the drug products.Biologic Drugs are genetically occurred from a living organism, such as a virus, protein, to maintain the body’s natural response to infections and diseases. Biologics target proteins, and cells responsible for the appearance and injury of rheumatoid arthritis.

  • Track 1-1Biological drugs
  • Track 1-2Generic biological drugs
  • Track 1-3Advances in biological products
  • Track 1-4Applied biopharmaceutics
  • Track 1-5Pharmacokinetics of drugs
  • Track 1-6Efficacy of drug products

Sometimes called Medico-marketing or Pharma Marketing in some countries. It is the business of advertising or otherwise promoting the sale of pharmaceuticals or drugs. Emergences of new technology in recent years help in promotion. Pharmaceutical companies explore online marketing as an alternative way to reach physicians, their customers.

This market is expected to reach about $100.7 billion by 2019, registering a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 3.8% from 2014 to 2019


  • Track 2-1Pharmaceutical Marketing Strategies
  • Track 2-2Pharma Marketing Research
  • Track 2-3Global Pharma Marketing
  • Track 2-4European Pharma Marketing

Regulatory affairs are a new profession which is developed by the governments to protect public health. The main aim is controlling the safety and efficacy of products in areas including pharmaceuticals, veterinary medicines, medical devices, pesticides, agrochemicals and cosmetics. Regulatory affairs also have a very specific meaning within the healthcare industries.

Vaccine is a product that produces immunity against a disease. Vaccines can prevent diseases and are very effective. Vaccine mobilizes the host immune system to prevent viral can break the chain of transmission. Vaccines provide active and passive immunity. Vaccines are made of the entire disease-causing microorganisms or some of its components. Smallpox vaccine is the first success vaccine. Immuno therapy is the treatment that uses certain parts of a person’s immune system to fight diseases such as cancer. 

An ideal drug delivery system needs to execute multiple tasks, which involves the highest degree of smartness. While delivering the drug at the desired location requires surface modification with a suitable targeting moiety that will enable the carrier to bind to cells of interest, delivery of necessary amount of drug necessitates incorporation of a trigger that will regulator the amount of drug released at a given instant.

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  • Track 5-1Transmucosal Drug Delivery Systems
  • Track 5-2Lymphoid Drug Delivery System
  • Track 5-3Hydrogel in Drug Delivery
  • Track 5-4Insitu Drug Delivery
  • Track 5-5Micelle Drug Delivery
  • Track 5-6Emulgel Drug Delivery

Delivery of therapeutic proteomics and genomics characterize a significant area of drug delivery research. Genomics and proteomics approaches could be used to direct drug development processes by unearthing pathways involved in disease pathogenesis where intervention may be most successful.

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  • Track 6-1Proteomics and genomics
  • Track 6-2Gene Expression
  • Track 6-3Pharma-proteomics in Drug Development
  • Track 6-4Molecular Proteomics
  • Track 6-5Molecular Biology
  • Track 6-6DNA Sequencing
  • Track 6-7Metabolomics
  • Track 6-8Proteins

These novel systems involve use of nanoparticles, superparamagnetic materials, protein biosensors, and advanced light assisted molecular immobilization technology. The group has acquired fundamental knowledge on light activated mechanisms in protein structures. Using ultraviolet‐light it is possible to open disulphide bonds in proteins leading to protein immobilization onto thiol reactive surfaces (glass, quartz or gold surfaces).

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  • Track 7-1Genomic Biomarker Discovery
  • Track 7-2Biomarkers and drug delivery applications
  • Track 7-3Exosome-based drug delivery systems
  • Track 7-4Protein Engineering
  • Track 7-5Big Data Analytics for Biomarkers Development
  • Track 7-6Diagnosis and therapeutics
  • Track 7-7Molecular immobilization technology
  • Track 7-8Biomarkers and drug delivery applications
  • Track 7-9Applications of Imaging Biomarkers
  • Track 7-10Microarray

Sustained drug delivery has the prospective to improve the treatment and prevention of many circumstances and diseases that afflict the female reproductive tract. However, achieving effective, therapeutic delivery in the vaginal tract is challenging due to vaginal physiology. To overcome these issues, we are emerging nanomedicines and novel delivery vehicles that can provide sustained release (improving effectiveness) and deliver drugs uniformly to the target surface.

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  • Track 8-1Cervical and ovarian cancers
  • Track 8-2Nanomedicine for Gastrointestinal tract Diseases
  • Track 8-3HIV/AIDS and STDs/STIs: Vaccines research and development
  • Track 8-4HIV/AIDS and STDs/STIs: Vaccines research and development
  • Track 8-5Global Health Challenges for Pediatric and Geriatric
  • Track 8-6Breast cancer

The importance of drug delivery to chemists, medicinal and otherwise, has increased since the advent of integrated drug discovery processes. Physicochemical and biological barriers, pathways for drug delivery, formulation, pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamics issues, metabolism, and cell culture models used in studying drug delivery are just some of the topics that type drug delivery and stimulating field for researchers.

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  • Track 9-1Anticancer Drug-Delivery Agents
  • Track 9-2Advanced Polymeric Drug Delivery Systems
  • Track 9-3Glioma-Targeted Drug Delivery
  • Track 9-4Anticancer Nano capsules
  • Track 9-5Formulation approaches to pediatric oral Drug Delivery
  • Track 9-6Particle Targeting in Complex Biological Media

Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy is the most widely applicable method for drug discovery and analysis. This technique provides a highly specific tool for identifying a drug substance containing impurities and residual solvents and their metabolites in biological media. It also provides a suitable analytical technique for their absolute quantification. In recent years, NMR spectroscopy has been increasingly used to monitor the cumulative drug release, drug dissolution, and diffusion coefficient of drugs from drug delivery systems in vitro and in vivo.

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  • Track 10-1Stereoisomers
  • Track 10-2NMR-based screening methods
  • Track 10-3NMR spectroscopy
  • Track 10-4Diffusion Coefficient
  • Track 10-5Drug Dissolution
  • Track 10-6Nucleic acids

Nanoparticles that are both synthetic HDL and contain a MRI different agent (iron oxide). The researchers are now conducting animal studies to determine how well the artificial HDL (high density lipoprotein) treats arterial plaque. Nanoparticle that can deliver drugs to tablet on the wall of an artery. They attach a protein called a peptide to a nanoparticle, which then binds with the surface of the plaque.

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  • Track 11-1Hypertension
  • Track 11-2Coronary artery disease
  • Track 11-3Current Research in Nanotechnology
  • Track 11-4Atherosclerosis
  • Track 11-5Restenosis
  • Track 11-6Nanotechnology methods in Drug Design
  • Track 11-7Ischemic heart disease

The main objective in drug design is to foresee whether a given particle will bind to a target and if so how unequivocally. Molecular mechanics or molecular dynamics are regularly used to predict the conformation of the little particle and to model conformational changes in the biological targets that may happen when the little molecules ties to it. The remedial reaction of a drug relies on the cooperation of drug molecules with cell on cell membrane related biological events at receptor sites in concentration dependent manner.

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  • Track 12-1Drug Targeting
  • Track 12-2Drug Toxicity
  • Track 12-3Drug Designing
  • Track 12-4 Drug Design strategies for targeting G-protein-coupled receptors
  • Track 12-5Biological Targets
  • Track 12-6Rational Drug Design
  • Track 12-7Computer Aided Drug Design
  • Track 12-8HIV/AIDS and other sexually transmitted infections

Pharmacodynamics is the significance that drugs have on the main part; while pharmacokinetics is the study of the way in which drugs move through the body during absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion. Pharmacokinetics influences decisions over the route of administration. For drugs to produce their effects they must interact with the body. This can ensue in several behaviors and depends on the properties of the drug, and will be discussed later in this chapter. Pharmacokinetics influences decisions over the route of administration. The processes that occur after drug admin can be fragmented down into four distinct areas (known as ADME).

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  • Track 13-1Clinical pharmacokinetics
  • Track 13-2Pharmacokinetic models
  • Track 13-3Toxicodynamics
  • Track 13-4Population pharmacokinetics
  • Track 13-5ADME
  • Track 13-6Multicellular pharmacodynamics

Drug delivery describes the tactic and approach to delivering medicine or and different xenobiotics to their site of action inside an organism, with the goal of achieving a therapeutic outcome. problems with pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics area necessary concerns for drug delivery. Designing and developing novel drug delivery systems, with attention on their application to sickness conditions. diagnosis and clinical knowledge associated with drug delivery systems.

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  • Track 14-1Drug Development
  • Track 14-2CNS Delivery
  • Track 14-3Liposomes
  • Track 14-4Major Challenges in Drug Delivery
  • Track 14-5Optimization Techniques in Drug Delivery
  • Track 14-6Encapsulation
  • Track 14-7Bioavailability & Bioequivalence
  • Track 14-8Micro emulsions
  • Track 14-9Future aspects of Drug Delivery

Medical devices vary according to their intended use and indications. Examples range from simple devices such as tongue depressors, medical thermometers, and disposable gloves to advanced devices such as computers which assist in the conduct of medical testing, implants, and prostheses. The design of medical devices creates a major part of the field of mechanical engineering.

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  • Track 15-1Magnetic Resonance Imaging
  • Track 15-2Biomedical Instrumentation Measurements
  • Track 15-3Pacemakers and Defibrillators
  • Track 15-4Ophthalmic and ENT Instruments
  • Track 15-5Quality by Design (QBD)
  • Track 15-6Computed Tomographic Scanning (CT Scanning)
  • Track 15-7Ultrasonography
  • Track 15-8Positron-Emission Tomographic (PET) Scanning
  • Track 15-9Measurement of Blood Flow and Cardiac Output

Medicinal chemistry is a discipline at the overtone of chemistry, particularly synthetic organic chemistry, and pharmacology and various other biological specialties, where they are involved with design, chemical synthesis and development for market of pharmaceutical agents. Earlier, medicinal chemists often optimized and developed compounds without much knowledge of the drug target or pathway in mind. New skills have had an enormous impact on drug discovery since the mid-20th century.

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  • Track 16-1Drug Discovery & Development
  • Track 16-2Natural Products Drug Discovery
  • Track 16-3 Synthetic Organic Chemistry
  • Track 16-4Structured and fragment based Drug Design
  • Track 16-5Current Research in Medicinal Chemistry
  • Track 16-6Pro Drug synthesis & Drug Targeting
  • Track 16-7Molecular Modeling

Pharmaceutical technology is the appliance of scientific knowledge or technology to pharmacy, pharmacology, and the pharmaceutical industry. It includes design, techniques, and instrumentation in the manufacture, preparation, compounding, dispensing, packaging, and accumulating of narcotic and other preparations used in diagnostic and determinative procedures and in the treatment of patients.

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  • Track 17-1Pharmaceutical Research & Development
  • Track 17-2Pharmaceutical Technology Assessment
  • Track 17-3Quality assurance
  • Track 17-4Pharmacological Technology advances
  • Track 17-5Pharmaceutical industry
  • Track 17-6Pharmaceutical Packaging and labeling
  • Track 17-7Bioinformatics and Computational Biology

Sustained Release Drug Delivery System (SRDDS) is designed to release a drug at a predetermined rate by maintaining a constant drug level for a specific period of time with minimum side effects. Now a day’s focus on the development of SRDDS has increased, as very few drugs are coming out of research and development and already existing drugs are suffering the problem of resistance due to their irrational use specifically in case of drugs like antibiotics. The major goal of designing SR formulations was intended to modify and improve the drug performance by increasing the duration of drug action, decrease the dosing frequency, reduced side effects, decreasing the required dose employed and providing the shortest possible time by using smallest quantity of drug administered by the most suitable route

  • Track 18-1Hydrogel Pore size
  • Track 18-2Drug Solubility
  • Track 18-3Encapsulation
  • Track 18-4Drug Suspensions

There has been improved movement in the field in recent times concerning the development and research on various printing techniques in fabrication of dosage forms and drug delivery systems. A general overview of 2D printing techniques is presented including a review of the most recent literature where printing techniques are used in fabrication of drug delivery systems.The 3D printing has enabled the fabrication of prototypes of DDD with varying complexity and shows that customization of drug products is possible.

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  • Track 19-1Drug therapy
  • Track 19-2Inkjet powder bed printing
  • Track 19-3Personalized Medicine
  • Track 19-43d plotting bio printing
  • Track 19-5Three-dimensional printing
  • Track 19-6Computer-aided tissue engineering
  • Track 19-7Fused deposition modeling

Pharmaceutics is the investigation of connections between preformulation, pharmaceutical plan, conveyance, mien and clinical reaction. The intrinsic unsteadiness nature of another medication will modify its coveted frame into undesired shape when exhibited in a reasonable measurements frame with the excipient/s upon capacity. In early days this procedure was bound just to assess couple of attributes, however today this procedure is being considered as a detailing technique and henceforth gigantic mechanical headway has been accomplished in this field which empowers us to spare time and cash through arranged administration framework and subsequently impacts.

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  • Track 20-1Pre-formulation in Drug Development
  • Track 20-2Product Design to commercial dosage form
  • Track 20-3Major challenges in Drug Development
  • Track 20-4Preclinical formulations
  • Track 20-5Biopharmaceutical support in formulation
  • Track 20-6Types of formulation
  • Track 20-7Intracellular Drug Delivery Systems

Pharmaceutical and biotechnological research bonds protein drug delivery systems by reputation based on their various therapeutic applications. The effective and potent action of the proteins/peptides makes them the drugs of choice for the treatment of numerous diseases. Main investigation topics in protein delivery include the conservation of proteins in delivery devices and the design of appropriate target-specific protein carriers. Many efforts have been made for effective delivery of proteins/peptidal drugs through various routes of administrations for successful therapeutic effects.

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  • Track 21-1Cell therapy
  • Track 21-2Peptide conjugates in Drug Delivery
  • Track 21-3Peptidal drug delivery
  • Track 21-4Protein Formulation & Aggregation
  • Track 21-5Polymers for delivery of proteins
  • Track 21-6Cell-penetrating and cell-targeting
  • Track 21-7Peptide Vector for Biologics Brain Delivery
  • Track 21-8Controlled release system for Protein Delivery

Nano medicine is the medical application of nanotechnology. Nano medicine shows from the useful applications of nanomaterials and biological devices, to Nano electronic biosensors, and even possible future applications of molecular nanotechnology such as biological machines. Current problems for Nano medicine involve understanding the issues related to toxicity and environmental impact of nanoscale materials. The industrialization of nanoscale titanium dioxide for a broad range of applications (most of which we are quite familiar with) is only one such example showing how nanomaterials have become a central component in the manufacturing process during the past decade.

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  • Track 22-1Nano chemistry
  • Track 22-2Nano Physics
  • Track 22-3Molecular Nanotechnology
  • Track 22-4Nanoparticles
  • Track 22-5Nano Biomechanics and Nanomedicine
  • Track 22-6Gold Nanoparticles
  • Track 22-7Advancement in Nanotechnology
  • Track 22-8Carbon Nanotubes
  • Track 22-9Nano MicroParticles

The Novel Drug delivery systems are the system by which a drug is delivered can have a important effect on its efficacy. Some drugs have an optimum concentration range within which maximum benefit is derived, and concentrations above or below this range can be toxic or produce no Local Drug Delivery Systems benefit at all. On the other indicator, the very slow development in the efficacy of the management of modest diseases, has suggested a growing need for a multidisciplinary approach to the delivery of therapeutics to targets in tissues. From this, new ideas on controlling the pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics.

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  • Track 23-1Targeted Drug Delivery Systems
  • Track 23-2Transmucosal Drug Delivery Systems
  • Track 23-3Modified Drug Delivery Systems
  • Track 23-4Transdermal Drug Delivery Systems
  • Track 23-5Magnetically Induced Drug Delivery System
  • Track 23-6Ocular Drug Delivery Systems
  • Track 23-7Local Drug Delivery Systems
  • Track 23-8Sustained Drug Delivery Systems